viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

the beginer

Hi! Everybody,  I just here  trying to face out  this new process of writing, which take time, and a little scare of doing it. Especially when there is not any format of correcting grammar or spelling online. I took this image from internet, more specify from "BOWIE15". I do not want you think this my work, because not. so with the respect of bowie15, I would like to explain you in simple words what I choose this picture of man with o lot of things inside his head. Well, I feel like that, that image represent all of me till I'll say something different. Is a new challenge for me created this blog because I actually have any idea about what I going to write in. now you probably are asking yourself why I decide to start to write if I do not know what put on it. I promes I´m working out how to fix it. Once upon a day I was feeling the same thing, and I just block my mind to write about, such a crappy situation. I really sorry because you do not desert that but right now I do not have any option, moreover, my grammar English is not good enough. I feel like a child trying to do adults' stuff. So, please do not limit me. Let me be free, I know I'm overreacting.

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