miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016


voy  a escribir esta entra en español mi lengua materna. primero que todo tuve la idea de crear un blog para mejor mi escritura, pero aparentemente mis resultados han sido catastróficos. Bueno, aquí estoy de nuevo intentando cambiarlo. nadie debe quedarse atrás. y ayer tuve un sueño, un sueño acerca del futuro, verán era como si mi yo actual viaja al futuro y al momento de preguntar por mi mismo me dijeron. haaaaa. Juan Barrera es uno de los mejores escritores de la época. y básicamente eso fue lo que entendí. tal vez sea un mensaje del destino. de que deba escribir. 
Así que, queridos amigos. esa sera mi meta a corto mediano y largo plazo acerca de la escritura esta. ninguno es perfecto pero debo mejor bastante. y dejar tantas imperfecciones de lado. si tienen algún consejo para mi acerca de lo que podría hacer. serias bien recibidos. verán que mi sueño se puede hacer realidad , pero mas importante yo podre verlo. Ahora, deben ignorar todas mis entradas anteriores, son muy tediosas no todas solo algunas y estableceré solo un idioma. la idea de escribir en muchos idiomas me agobia y me frustra. sabrán de mi muy pronto see y'all

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016


today my couisin was completly hippy because finally the UNE internet has fixed the MB internet. and he decided to watch a movie in computer laptop connect to the HD enter in television and the he got the idea to invite me to see the movie with him. I was doing my homework. I am not saying he is gulty but come on I cannot resist watch a movie with an interesting information. So, we decided to watch "ROOM" here are some picture of it. you can figure it out what it is about.    talking about my personal experience I cry. yes, as it sounds I cry like a baby. hehehehe. I don't want to tell you anything about it, but is a good movie I cannot imagen my life without have seen such as marvellous adaptation. various aspects were traited,  from the psicologys consequences of being closed without contact with the external world to the desire to live and connections with the person there. in this case the mother and her son.  I have nothing more to say except that it was worth spend that time with my cousin. Then, I went to do my homework. see y'all.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

start to write again

this picture took it from fotosearch.com represent a feel that covered me last week.

Hallo my readers, it was very mean of me not to write again, especially because I love writing. This is an interesting matter, because I was discussing this with a classmate whose name is Nicolay, and he told me that he loves write too. But, there is a point in which you realize you seem not to be born for this wonderful process of communication.  I dare say, my new English teacher is very smart when we are talking about writing. She is a genius, and is the kind of person that is constantly pushing you to the river in order to you can get deeper no matter if you be able to swim or not. Ow! I needed a breath, and I thought, why not? What could happen? Maybe could be an interesting defiance.  The thing is, the last week we suppose to write a paragraph, I am thought that had put all on it. I was wrong when she said nothing positive about my paragraph, yes, I felt horrible and I disappointed, not for her procedure but for me. That was… I even cannot find a word to describe such as action. Now, I say to me, you are not putting enough effort to it, you need more and more, and do it over and over again. And I will try to apply everything that I can just for feel peace in my conscious. So, I will be write soon to tell you how it is going. See y’all. Bye